
Beach clean up efforts in West Finnmark

Keeping Finnmark's beaches pristine and beautiful is important to us. We have been engaged in a cleaning project since 2018.

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Beach clean up efforts in West Finnmark

We are committed to solve environmental issues. The pollution of beaches with plastics and other trash has been a major issue all around the world, and of course here in Northern Norway and Finnmark we are dealing with the same issues. Due to Norway’s unique coastline features with hundreds of fjords and islands we have thousands of kilometers of shoreline that are affected by pollution. We at Æventyr want to take our part and help to solve this problem.

We have been working to clean up beaches around West Finnmark since 2018. Since 2021 our clean up effort is funded by Handelens Miljøfond (Norwegian Retailers’ Environmental Fund), Norway’s largest private environmental fund that aims at supporting projects that reduce plastic pollution.

A team of five operates from May until late October or November to clean up an estimated 350 kilometers of shoreline. Due to the remote location all the collected trash has to be transported out by boat.

As of today we have covered 30% of the 350 kilometers of shoreline and have collected approximately 25000 kilograms of trash.

We will continue our efforts in the future. Let’s preserve Finnmark’s breathtaking nature for everyone to enjoy. 💚